Sunday, August 31, 2014

And the world gets more of her...

I'm not sure what I've done to deserve her, but I'll take it.

She starts school tomorrow...she's been waiting for this day forever. I found a video clip of her from a couple of years ago practicing her days of the week and months of the year. She was so proud she nailed it at 3-years old. Tonight, after painting her nails and brushing her hair, I'll drink in every bit of her that I can. I'll whisper the same thing in her ear that I do every night. (Well, on the nights I'm in condition to do so....parents, you know what I mean.)

"You're beautiful. Inside, outside, upside down. You know why you're beautiful?
Because you're so kind and brave, and you have the heart of a lion."
Tomorrow, the world gets more of her. And it'll be a better place for it.

Here's Peanut nailing her shit at three. 

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