Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Educational lunchtime games...

Running out of ideas for how not to strangle your offspring while suffering through the fifth month of winter? I found this video clip, and was reminded that when all Baby Einstein toys have been wedged into the walls of a fort, and you haven't seen your couch cushions since the Christmas break, and they've all but beaten each other senseless with spatulas, then there's nothing better than cracking out the empty ketchup bottle, the sound and spatter both gentle reminders of why one should always maintain the utmost respect and deference to the almighty power that a shart holds over your dignity. I believe Freud would agree that engaging in antics like this firmly entrenches a child in the potty phase, leaving little hope of them ever being that person who has the decency not to laugh when someone deems it acceptable to fart in public, or when an acquaintance happens to accidentally shit themselves at a pasture party, having gone toe-to-toe with the never beaten bottle of whiskey. Yes, we're inadvertently setting up our little ones for success, and I couldn't be more proud.

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