Saturday, May 7, 2016

Mother's Day...

My kids gave me my Mother's Day gift early...they couldn't wait to share their fun facts about me. I have to say, it was the best gift ever! I laughed until I cried. Then I just cried.

 I know my mom loves me because I'm awesome. That response, my friends, pretty much summarizes my lovely first born. And I certainly appreciate the fact that my burps make him laugh. They are really that good. Oh, and he informed me that he modified the response for the sentence "The one thing I hear my mom say a lot is I love you, and fuck." AFTER daycare, because he didn't want me to get in trouble for that second part. Thanks kiddo. You ARE awesome.

My little girl...this kid warms the coldest corners of my heart.
Truly, may I be judged for her. (and only her)

My last born loves me because I do crazy stuff, and he loves cleaning with me...
DAFUQ, James? Oh, and when I was laughing so hard I could hardly spit out:
"Walmart, Jimmy?! WALMART? I fucking HATE WALMART!!!"
I knowed that would make you laugh, Mommy. And I like your boobs. But we can't say boobs at daycare. What a kid. His response for the win: "The one thing I hear my mom say a lot is...go downstairs." Listen quietly. That is the sound of all third born children sobbing for attention. No worries though, he knows he's my favourite of all favourites...and makes me whisper that in his ear every night before he falls asleep.

Side note: I now know that it's likely not entirely their fault that we can never capture a proper family photo.

We all suck. Except for Jimmy. He be all like LeBron James.

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